A Celebration of Giles - Search for a Cartoon

Giles created cartoons on nearly every subject imaginable. Fill in the formbelow to try and locate a cartoon with your chosen subject. e.g. for cartoonsabout grandmas just put in grandma. Click here to display a list of all main keywords

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(Keywords consist of two main keywords per cartoon and a set of secondarykeywords)

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Search Results

DateMain KeywordsNo. of times Cartoon
has been Viewed
20/11/1986GolfMargaret Thatcher10508View
6/6/1977The QueenJubilee10598View
28/3/1985Grand NationalCruelty10673View
8/6/1977The QueenJubilee10771View
6/2/1979Coronation StreetStress11125View

There were 9 matches

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